The past ...weeks have been a huge rollercoaster! New workplace, new friends, scheduling classes for the fall, working all the time. It's been a mess. And yeah i'll admit it isn't easy keeping up with everything. Sometimes i just fall apart. But as long as I have people who understand me and are there for me, I survive. Summer 2010 has mostly been work, work and work. Fitting in a social life is tough and once school starts, even though i'll bring my hours just a LITTLE bit down, it'll still be tough. I've been reading lots of books in my spare time. What i call the "in death" series by J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts). They are murder-mystery books and usually that's not my area that I like. But i'm so into these books that the characters are now like my friends. Does that sound weird to you? Eh, doesnt really matter i guess. But now i'm on the last 2 books of the 39 book series i believe and i am not sure what i should read next. I want it to...